ENDURE Scholars and faculty enjoying the conclusion of Teen Brain 2022 with a Datablitz!

Independent research is the core of the WUSTL ENDURE experience. Summer scholars work full-time in a lab matching their interests. They encounter the thrill of creating new knowledge and contribute to the advancement of neuroscience. The experience culminates with the presentation of a research poster at the university’s Summer Research Symposium and again at the Society for Neuroscience conference.

Once accepted, students work with Dr. Herzog to find a lab that offers both exciting research and a good learning environment. With over 100 WUSTL neuroscience faculty, students can choose from a wide range of research areas from molecules to cognition to behavior.

ENDURE Scholars presenting their research at the annual Closing Symposium held in the Eric P. Newman Education Center “EPNEC” on Thursday, August 4, 2022.