Shawn Covarrubias
Current Institution: Washington University St. Louis (Sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024: Dr. Harrison Gabel
Project Title:
The Neuronal Role of WAC: Insights into the DeSanto-Shinawi Syndrome Gene
Pronouns: He/Him

Adaora Dadson
Current Institution: Washington University in St. Louis (sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024: Dr. John Cirrito
Project Titles:
Investigating the Effects of Neurokinin-1 Receptor Pathways on Cognition in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Pronouns: She/Hers

Andrea Diaz-Pacheco
Current Institution: Amherst College in Amherst, MA (Sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024: Celeste Karch
Project Title:
Dissecting Ms4at4a Function in Microglia and its role in Alzheimer’s disease Pathogenesis
Pronouns: She/Hers

Halla Elmore
Current Institution: Washington University in St. Louis (Junior)
ENDURE Lab: Keith Hengen
Project Title:
Chronic Intermittent Sleep Deprivation Promotes Neural Activity Events Associated with Healthy Brain Function.
Pronouns: She/Hers

Abraham Hernandez Mujica
Current Institution: Davidson College (sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024: Dr. Harrison Gabel
Project Title: Investigating Baseline Phenotypes in a Genetically Rescuable DNMT3a Mouse Model of Tatton-Brown Rahman Syndrome
Pronouns: He/Him

Christine Nwaigwe
Current Institution: Washington University in St. Louis (sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024 Dr. Sakaya Inoue
Project Title:
Social Behavior and Hypothalamic Activity in Menopausal Mouse Models
Pronouns: She/Hers

Ugochukwu Uzo-Ojinnaka
Current Institution: St. Louis University (sophomore)
ENDURE Lab 2024: Dr. Wouter Kool
Project Title:
Examining the Relationship between Cognitive Biases and the Acceptance of AI Recommendations using the Frame Selection Task.
Pronouns: She/Hers